Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Doing the Right Thing...

I've been meaning/wanting to write this post for awhile, and yet now that the "time of reckoning" has come I can't seem to find the appropriate words to satisfactorily convey what I want this post to say...

In the speech I made at Liliane's memorial service, I mentioned how our mom had recently asked Liliane what she thought the meaning of life is. My sister's response to that question was to say that life is about always trying to do the right thing and performing as many kind deeds as one can.

 In the spirit of what my sister said, I would like to let everyone know that we donated all the incredibly generous monetary gifts we received to two organizations that meant a great deal to Liliane's life - (the Tzu Chi Foundation & Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras). Having the good fortune of knowing the people in charge of these admirable establishments, we know that the money we contributed will be put to good use.

Although Liliane may no longer be physically here with us on this Earth, I know (with profound certainty) she is doing her very best to continue spreading positivity from wherever she is. (In fact, this is a topic my mom would very much like me to write about in some future post...) Knowing this, I promise I will spend the rest of my life trying to live up to my sister's ideals and I thank everyone who can help me carry out this ambition.


For those interested, here's some more information on the organizations we made donations to...

(This is the song we played at Liliane's memorial service)


Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras

(One of the pieces CYSO played on their Spain 2012 Tour)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Liliane's Playlist (Part 2 of Many...)

A Thousand Years (Christina Perri)
(If you watch the official music video for this song, you'll know why Liliane would've preferred this video with just the lyrics...)

Every Heart by BoA (from the anime, InuYasha)
(I remember I learned how to play this piece on the piano specifically because Liliane really liked the song. When she was younger she used to try and sing along in Japanese while I tried to play without mistakes...)

Wedding Day at Troldhaugen Op.65 No.6 - Edvard Grieg

(Liliane learned how to play this piece with our piano teacher, Julia 老師. I remember there was one time Liliane was waiting for me at the music store where I teach piano and she performed this piece on one of the grand pianos in the showcase room, just for fun. The parent who had been sitting outside the room I teach took the time to get up and go watch her play, which was great timing for me because I think I was in the middle of demonstrating rather badly to my own student and didn't want him to listen in...)

田馥甄 Hebe Tien [還是要幸福 Still in Happiness] 

(One of my sister's favorite songs...)

編曲:盧家宏、Jerry C

不確定就別親吻 感情很容易毀了一個人
一個人若不夠狠 愛淡了不離不棄多殘忍

你留下來的垃圾 我一天一天總會丟完的
我甚至真心真意的祝福 永恆在你的身上先發生

你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨

你還是要幸福 我才能確定我還得很清楚
確定自己再也不會佔據 你的篇幅
明天 開始 這一切都結束

還我鑰匙的備份 我覺得再見可以很單純
我甚至真心真意的祝福 永恆在你的身上先發生

你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨

你還是要幸福 我才能確定我還得很清楚
確定自己再也不會佔據 你的篇幅
明天 開始 這一切都結束

你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨

你如果很幸福 半夜的簡訊我就無需回覆
因為你的悲喜已經有了 容身之處 我也 能有 最純粹的孤獨


Snowy Days...

Say what you will about Midwest weather, but there is something magical about a fresh snowy day. (And let's be real - there's nothing quite like getting out of school because of a snow day...)

Liliane and I have had our share of snowy day fun and for those of you lucky enough to have access to snow, I hope you find the time to go out there and enjoy it as well!

"Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.” 
― Mary Oliver

“A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.” 
― Markus ZusakThe Book Thief

Circa 11/15/1997

Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy Martin Luther King Day

For me, I think what makes Martin Luther King Day so special is that it celebrates the incredible power an individual can have on this world. It also celebrates the beautiful dream of one day living in a world where everyone is able to treat each other as a brother or a sister.

So in honor of Martin Luther King Day, I'd like to introduce you to our Kid President (if you haven't met him already) and let him do the "preaching," as he is infinitely more eloquent than me.

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often
(For those who don't usually eat corndogs, please go ahead and replace them with some other delicious food you enjoy eating...)

Kid President Meets POTUS

Back to School...

If my knowledge is correct, I believe many of you in college will be heading back to school after this upcoming long weekend - (unless you're on the quarter system.) For Liliane, this would have been a time of great sadness because it means the end of break and the start of work, worrying, and weariness. (Hope you don't mind my alliteration...)

I don't mean to turn this blog into such an "agony aunt" - apparently a synonym for an advice column - but I know my sister was a big fan of the website, quora.com, which always made me think of the name Korra, another thing my sister introduced me to but that'll be for some other post... She would often read through the Quora questions on our Metra rides back to Naperville with her bright yellow phone - (which she adorably named Pika-Wu.) She was always suggesting I sign up for Quora and would occasionally ask me to read one of the posts - (although I think she'd get discouraged if/when I didn't show quite enough enthusiasm/interest while reading.)

Nevertheless, below I've found some Quora posts to questions related to studying/how to study better. Hope some of it proves to be helpful and sorry if it comes off as a bit too "naggy."


How do top students study?
If you went to or are going to a top school like MIT, Harvard, Columbia, Berkeley, Stanford, Cornell, Caltech, Princeton, Yale, Brown, what is your studying method?

Could you please give me advice on how to study the best possible way (especially for math classes)? How do you get good grades at the top universities? Please give me directions, like what you do before lecture, after, during weekends, how you study the book, how many books you read, how you take the tests, how much do you study, etc.

David KohMIT '11, Course 6-3

I did pretty well at MIT, and there's a few things that I did there that haven't been mentioned yet.

The most important thing is to keep track of how good your understanding is of the material.  I saw a lot of people thought that they understood what was going on in a class, but could easily get tripped up by the basics even after the class had moved onto more advanced topics.  Having a thorough understanding of the basics is particularly key, because most advanced material is really just an extension of the basics.

For most mathy, computer science topics, there's really two parts to understanding.  The first is intuition, which for me always meant being able to build a mental model of whatever I was studying in my head.  Usually, working out examples helps with the intuition.  The second is knowing how to formally reason about the topic, which usually involves being able to work through examples step by step using logic and/or algebra, and is especially key for proofs in math and algorithms.  Most good students learn the rules for formal manipulation fairly well, but without a good intuition it becomes harder to deal with more complex problems, where the correct path is not immediately clear.


What are the best study methods?
Anything, from not having distractions to using flash cards... Real advice that you have found actually works to help in obtaining and maintaining  information.

Bob Ashleygov2.0, public administration,... (more)

I graduated from university, first in my class, with a near perfect grade-point average. I'm not particularly smart. I know how to study, however. Here's a few things I did to propel my academic performance ahead of my peers.

1) Immersion through multiple, different sources. Don't rely solely on repeated encounters with the assigned text(s). Get a bunch of input from different sources. The basics will be redundant, helping to solidify your learning foundation, but because the delivery of info is varied, you're much more apt to remain an attentive audience.You're looking for "resonant" descriptions that leave an imprint on you, like that oh-so-special teacher you had in grade three.  This is important because so many textbooks suck at delivery, but not all in the same ways. A particular (or peculiar) diagram in a book you found on your own at the library could be the answer to your dream of an intelligible exposition/illustration of Concept 'X'.  

2) MInd maps. Sketch, doodle, devise insane visual or auditory or tactile correlations. A series of dry interrelated concepts could become a banana tree whose hanging fruit are yellow trucks, high heels, jewels, and oak saw horses. Absurdity makes abstractions memorable.

3) Frequent re-visits. Like with your sick friend, or mom, frequent, but brief touchdowns signal the importance you place on the nearness of your inter-relationship, in this case, with knowledge.  

4) Sit in the room where you'll be examined...ahead of the scheduled exam time, with your material. Connect details of the material with the room's character, its blinds, paint chips, ceiling tiles, light switches, colour, ambience. Entering the examination room ought to be a metaphorical return to the cozy comfort of the womb. Your material, will "be" the room and it will feel "warm" because you took the time to make it so...ahead of time. You've  prepared your relation within the environment for your very best performance. 

5) If in university, pick courses as early as possible, and start doing light, but frequent readings on the subject every day through the summer, before fall semester starts. You might even find a favorite author! Your relaxed familiarity with the upcoming material, on day one, class one, will deliver you huge momentum to help carry you throughout the term. You're on your bike, accelerating well before the foot of that big hill you're about to ascend. Get a running start.


Suggest Edits


How can one study most effectively?
What is a general way to study effectively and efficiently? Does the method or way differ based on the type of impending challenge, e.g. a test compared to an exam?

1) Remember to have a growth mindset (the more you study, the smarter you become), no matter what you are studying.
2) Be interested in the subject matter.
3) Start as early as possible (cramming is less fun, produces worse results and is bad for your health) .
4) Always question, whether you are being efficient enough. You get more done if you work smart and hard, rather than just hard.

5) Do the hardest stuff first.
6) Explain new concepts you don't understand via analogies (with concepts you do understand). Look up "Feynman's technique".
7) Interact (read it, discuss it, whatever else) with the material as many times as you can. Two good reasons:
 a) the more you study, the more you remember.
b) if you read the material twice, you don't have to make yourself understand a lot the first time.
8) Study different subjects on the same day. If you feel like you're stuck with something, just study something else that isn't similar to what you had been studying.
9) If you feel tired, then sleep or (if you have the energy) study something else, but don't go on the internet. Do your social networking at the end of the day.
10) Build studying habits (study at the same time each day, the same place etc -- see [2])
11) If you want to retain information better (for example, before a test/exam), use the computer for studying only, don't watch TV, go on the internet etc. 
12) 90 minutes of work, 15-20 minute break [2]. Although for more complex subjects, I prefer 60/10.
13) Rest, when you're not feeling efficient. A person should have at least three hobbies: one that earns them money, one that keeps them fit and one for relaxation. Our brains aren't supposed to do only one thing week after week (although maybe I am wrong, and yours is). 
For resting, I suggest going somewhere new. For keeping fit, I recommend walking a few kilometers each day. You'll sleep way better than you would, if you choose to rest by going to the internet to read. Taking in new information only exhausts you (along with sitting for hours on end, these are probably the main reasons why you are being inefficient), new environments stimulate the brain (although don't ask me for research data on this).
14) Outside of studying, don't engage in activities that make you more anxious (racing games, violent TV shows, fast paced music).  The more anxious, the less efficient you are. A simple way to relax is to do the  4-7-8 breathing exercise (look it up).
15) Prefer tea over coffee. Caffeine will only make you more ADD (although that isn't necessarily true for green tea).
16) Eat healthy. If you are reading on how to eat healthy, though, don't believer those top 10 lists, do the research yourself.
17) Chew your food properly.
18) Take care of your eyesight. Go to an optometrist and have them recommend you eye exercises or get computer glasses (that let your eyes rest, while you are staring at the computer screen).
19) You need days when the only thing you do is "waste" time.


Good luck to everyone this semester! Wishing you effectiveness in your studying, passion in what you're learning and many fun memories in between. 

(If ever you're in need of a person to complain to and/or have a pep talk with, please know that you're always free to contact me.)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Liliane's Playlist (Part 1 of many...)

Like for a lot of people, music has played an important role in my sister's life whether it be a source of inspiration, motivation, and/or comfort. I'd like to think Liliane had pretty good taste and I hope seeing the kind of music she liked to listen to will help provide further insight into who she is...

I think there was one time she had this following song on a continuous loop and she listened to it (at least) 23 times in a row... Needless to say, I heard this particular song playing a lot in the apartment.

徐佳瑩LaLa " 你敢不敢 " 官方版[HD]MV (Official Music Video)

(She has always been better at remembering song/singer names than me - particularly Chinese ones.)

你的電話 我還是接了
你約見面 我還是去了
你傳的晚安 我照常回了
這樣夠嗎 夠嗎
讓自己忙碌 證明還活著
讓朋友陪我 都不好意思了
我說不愛你 你也就相信了
這樣好嗎 好嗎
你敢不敢 承認我愛上你的壞
你敢不敢 說恨我像愛我一樣
你敢不敢 愛一個人如此卑微
你的電話 我還是接了
你約見面 我還是去了
你傳的晚安 我照常回了
這樣夠嗎 夠嗎
讓自己忙碌 證明還活著
讓朋友陪我 都不好意思了
我說不愛你 你也就相信了
這樣好嗎 好嗎
你敢不敢 承認我愛上你的壞
你敢不敢 說恨我像愛我一樣
你敢不敢 愛一個人 如此卑微
你敢不敢 無視我止不住的眼淚
你敢不敢 說這段感情的不堪
你敢不敢 愛錯了人卻不想面對

Not sure where Liliane first heard this song but it's one I distinctly remember Liliane first introducing to me.

Of Monsters And Men - King And Lionheart

Liliane always seemed to prefer watching videos with lyrics rather than the official music videos.

We both seem to have quite the soft spot for Debussy's music...


"Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without"
~Confucius, The Book of Rites