Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Happy Birthday Mei...
Sorry Moomoo it took me so long to finish composing this. (Link to sheet music provided below. The melody for the first 4 measures were created by Liliane and I tried my best to come up with something that would represent her style/taste in music...)
Happy Birthday, Mei... <33
~*Spirit of Liliane*~
(Actual recording coming soon... ish...)

Monday, February 1, 2016
Liliane's Playlist - "February Edition" - (Part 5 of Many...)
My goal will be to add a song for every day in February - (ideally with some sort of story behind each song.) Hope you enjoy...
Song for 02/01/16
Song for 02/01/16
Apparently today (February 1st) is recognized as National Freedom Day in the U.S. in honor of the day President Abraham Lincoln signed what later became known as the 13th Amendment. (For those following the 2016 election, I find it rather appropriate that today happened to be the day for the Iowa caucuses.)
Can't say Liliane would have necessarily found a whole lot of personal meaning behind all of this, but I know if she were here, she'd probably have had it up to here (see below) listening to me go on about politics... @.@
Anyhoo... here's a song that we both enjoyed singing in our "masculine baritones" every now and then. (The 2012 Les Miserables movie was one of the movies I was able to go see with Liliane in the theaters.)
(I know Liliane found it highly amusing that the original Iron Chef Chairman, Takeshi Kaga, was the one to play Japanese Jean Valjean.)
Song for 02/02/16
In honor of this Groundhog Day sentiment, I thought it would be appropriate to feature a musical round for the "song/piece of the day." (For those not familiar with the term, a musical round - a.k.a. a simple canon - is when different voices sing the same melody but start at different times.)
Of course, arguably the most famous and beloved round has to be the Pachelbel Canon in D, which is a piece all string players inevitably learn to play. Although sadly my personal memory can't confirm this, I'd like to believe that Liliane and I played the Canon together at some point in our lives.
(Idea for next time you're stuck in traffic... <3)
Song for 02/03/16
There doesn't seem to be any special holiday to draw inspiration from today, but here's a song I bet hardly anyone would have ever suspected Liliane to be a fan of...
Of course it's important to keep in mind that Liliane was either 6 or 7 when this song first came out and therefore most likely didn't have any clear idea what the meaning of the lyrics of the song are. I believe she was introduced to this particular Britney song because we had this mini hot pink radio toy which only played the one song when you pushed its button - (got to love the random stuff you acquire through mass consumerism...) - and upon hearing the song, Liliane was hooked.
Little 6-or-7-year old Liliane would go around doing this little dance to the song and "singing" the titular song lyric, although instead of saying "I'm a slave for you~", her version was something closer to "Rocky Taki Slaaaaay~" (*do a little shimmy, but not really*) and repeat.
As she got older, this quirky little obsession of hers got to be something of a running joke between us, i.e. something I'd like to tease her about every now and then. Hope you're still "shimmying", Moo.

Song for 02/04/16
No meaningful story behind this song. Just had it running through my head when I woke up this morning.
Song for 02/05/16
I miss playing piano with Liliane. Not sure how much Liliane enjoyed playing with me, but one of my favorite things to do was to "duet" with her where we would each be responsible for one hand, thereby making sight reading a lot easier.
Song for 02/06/16
Song for 02/07/16
Saturday, January 23, 2016
"I wish you knew how much you are loved..."

My most recent dream of Liliane involved my mom, Liliane, and myself driving in a car with Liliane behind the wheel. (For those of you who don't know, Liliane never got her driver's license which is why it was rather strange for Liliane to be the one driving.) In any case, I'm not exactly sure the circumstances that led to me saying this, but at one point, Liliane had her head on my shoulder - (perhaps because she was sad, scared, overwhelmed...?) - and I said to her, "I wish you knew how much you are loved."
And then the dream ended up getting a little trippy, as dreams tend to do, and we found ourselves driving down this roller coaster-like road with huge peaks and valleys; except that the road was made out of these giant foam cushions decorated with bright green pine trees.
I can't say I quite know what the last part of the dream means, but I do know that the quote I remember from the dream - which I should point out is rather notable since I don't usually remember the dialogue from my dreams - is exactly what I wish I could tell my sister; even if/when my actions may seem to suggest otherwise.
I can only hope and pray that Liliane and I were able to part ways with her knowing and feeling secure in the love I have for her, even if I teased her or drove her crazy with my crazy bad habits - (or fail to post on her blog as often as I mean to...)

Friday, January 1, 2016
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