Sunday, December 14, 2014

Our earliest (recorded) Gchat...

In 2011, I would have been a senior in college and Liliane would have been a junior in high school.

Chat script left unedited - (yes it makes me look like a jerk...)

10:41 PM Liliane: wait, you don't have class tomorrow?
  are you calling?
10:42 PM x-(
 me: hi
  how was ur lesson?
  should i call?
 Liliane: it was fine
  you call if you want
10:43 PM me: mmm ... can i call in like 20 minutes?
  or is that too late?
 Liliane: i'll probably still be up...
10:44 PM how can you not have classes?
10:45 PM me: because i don't
  but i have my internship on those days
 Liliane: you!!!
10:46 PM lucky!!!
10:47 PM me: :P
  well i deserve one semester like this at least
10:48 PM Liliane: ...
 me: ppl in business almost never have classes on friday
  aaand - u should be happy b/c this increases the chances of me being able 2 go home 4 3 days instead of just 2
 Liliane: yayayayayaAAAa!
 me: there r some other majors that don't schedule classes on friday and such
  yeah - see?
10:49 PM Liliane: :* :* :* :*
  mwah mwah mwah mwah
 me: but like i said
  i still have my internship 2 go 2 on friday
 Liliane: oh
10:50 PM me: so it just depends on if the school's having a holiday or not
 Liliane: okok
  come home friday!
10:51 PM yayayaya!
10:52 PM me: not this friday
 Liliane: :(
10:53 PM nononono
  how did bulls do?
 me: they won
 Liliane: yayyy
10:54 PM is boozer back?
 me: no not yet
 Liliane: even better
10:55 PM me: yep
10:56 PM and dallas had dirk novitzski back too
  he'd been out the past couple weeks or so w/ an injury
 Liliane: ooooo
10:57 PM me: do u really find this interesting?
 Liliane: yup
  better than physic
  actually, i do like physics when i can figure it out
10:58 PM but i dislike it when it's too confusing
 me: of course
  well if all i'm doing is distracting u from ur hw then i'm leaving
10:59 PM Liliane: nooooo
  mwah mwah?
 me: whoa - what's that from?
 Liliane: :*
11:00 PM me: :*
 Liliane: they have different kinds of smileys you can set
 me: what?
  o - it's a different kind?
 Liliane: see the smiley icon on the bottom right?
 me: yeah - i kno
 Liliane: :*:*:*:*
  it red!
 me: u dork
  do ur hw!
  x-( '
 Liliane: i not a dork!
11:01 PM x-(
 me: well if u want me 2 call do ur work for a good 15 minutes or so
  o, that's kind of cute when it blinks
 Liliane: yes
  i know i cute
11:02 PM me: uh huh ... :-|
 Liliane: hmph!
11:03 PM x-(
 me: work!

19 minutes
11:22 PM Liliane: past 15 min.!
 me: o yeah
11:23 PM were u working?
  is mommy still up?
 Liliane: i tink?
  i tried very hard to do the physics problem
 me: well i don't want 2 wake her up if she isn't
 Liliane: tried difficultly?
 me: what're u guys working on now?
 Liliane: momentum
 me: that sounds weird
 Liliane: the problem is enrichment
11:24 PM me: was that p*v?
 Liliane: yes!
  wait, no
 me: er .... what was p again?
 Liliane: p=mv
  p is momentum
 me: o right
  p is momentum
  yeah - i remember now
 Liliane: you're thinking pv=nrt
 me: no, i kno that's something completely different
  gasses and such
 Liliane: ideal gases
11:25 PM me: everything in physics is "ideal"
  well, the type of physics we do
 Liliane: yup
  all the variables are getting confusing
 me: well can u find out if mommy's awake or not?
  if she is then i'll call
 Liliane: we were learning about pq in micro
  hold on
 me: o - what's that?
 Liliane: umm...
  hold on...
11:26 PM it is...
  let me think...
11:27 PM pq stands for price x quantity
  ah no, i'm blanking out!
11:28 PM me: o - okay
 Liliane: we just learned it though...
 me: why do u need a special "formula" 4 that thoug?
 Liliane: micro has lots of math involved?
11:29 PM me: hm - okay
11:30 PM Liliane: oh, total revenue = pq
 me: o - okay
  so is mommy up?
 Liliane: yup!
  i was just about to tell you
11:32 PM me: okay then
  i'll call
 Liliane: ok!

21 minutes
11:53 PM Liliane: jiejie?
11:54 PM me: yeah?
 Liliane: i tink i go now
  i cold
 me: okay
11:55 PM u done w/ ur hw?
 Liliane: well, i'm studying for a chem quiz
 me: what's it about?
11:56 PM Liliane: thermochemistry
 me: ew, not my fav
  well gluck!
 Liliane: gluck?
 me: good luck
 Liliane: i know
  but gluck sounds funny
  in a good way
 me: u a gluck
  go 2 bed
  get warm
11:57 PM Liliane: thankies
  wub u
  i wish i could cuddle with you
 me: bye liliane
11:58 PM Liliane: bai bai
 me: mmm - listening 2 clair de lune
  good night
 Liliane: i was listening to symphonie fantastique
 me: o that's a good one
  okay stop talking!
 Liliane: :'(
 me: :*
 Liliane: goodie night
 me: that still looks weird
11:59 PM Liliane: it looks like meeeee
 me: heehee - that's just what i was thinking
  :P \
  okay - i'm not gonna respond 2 u anymore
  luv u
  be good
12:00 AM Liliane: ewww, i don't like when people use ttyl
  ok, bye bye!

Love you Moo. I miss our chats. Hope you don't mind too much that I put this one out there...

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