Saturday, February 7, 2015

Family & Friends - (Part 2 of Many...)

As the saying goes, it's true that you don't necessarily get to choose who your (biological) family is; but it's pretty cool when you do find yourself related to such awesome people...

Certainly no offense intended towards the boy cousins or other males in our family - (who are also pretty cool) - but girl power has definitely been a thing in terms of Liliane's & my collective experience with family. I don't know what I would have done had it not been for the loving support of my cousin-sisters after Liliane passed away. 

When asked to share some of their memories of my sister, by far the most popular story was remembering how toddler-aged Liliane used to fawn over pictures of baby-aged Liliane while repeatedly exclaiming, "哦,好可愛!!!" (Translation: Oh, so cute!!!) This, by the way, is indeed the story behind the name for this blog - (for anyone who has been wondering.) Now I trust most of you would agree with me when I say Liliane wasn't a particularly narcissistic type of person, but when you see pictures as adorable as these can you really blame a girl for indulging in a bit of self-admiration...?

One of the greatest gifts that has come out of this agonizingly heartbreaking event has been reconnecting with my current stateside cousins - (the ones you see pictured above). And even though everyone has their own busy life to take care of, Liliane has helped remind us all the blessing of family and the importance of always making your loved ones a priority.

Thank you again, super awesome Tsai & Chen Cousin-Sisters. Both Liliane and I love you so very, very much!!!

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