Saturday, August 8, 2015

Bubbies Make Me Happy

Hello from Lolo
If memory serves me correctly, the term "bubbies" first came about when I decided to raise two parakeets simultaneously instead of just one. Lolo was the male half of that parakeet couple, Chiquita being his female companion. (If our gender-identifying methods were correct, Lolo was also the only boy parakeet we ever had.)

The Wu Family parakeet history unfortunately has not had much luck in terms of longevity. Sadly, I believe the longest we were able to keep a bird was around 2 years - (some flew away, others met a more untimely fate) - but I hope those little bubbies all know somewhere in their bird consciousness how very much they were loved. Granted, Liliane often felt that instead of "loving", I was actually smothering/harassing the poor little birdies. (But love and smother/harass are arguably two sides of the same coin, right?)

(Another one of Liliane's favorite Youtube vids)

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