Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Belated Merry Christmas 2017 + A (Less Belated) Happy 2018

Image result for pusheen christmas

It's crazy and hard to think it's been over 3 years since I last saw you... It's true what they say about the holiday season being one of the roughest times to get through after you lose someone you love but this year I feel like Liliane was able to gift me 2 of the best presents ever to help make this season the best one yet since we last had to said goodbye...

Hi, my name is Alfalfa (known as Conner, once upon a time...)
Hi, my name is Falafel (formerly known as Yogurt...)

For reasons I wish I knew (but unfortunately can never know for sure), Liliane mentioned at one point that if she were ever to get cats, she would want to name them Alfalfa & Falafel and I figured that was a wish I could definitely carry out. (Granted, it was highly useful that I'd wanted to have cats for awhile myself... ^^)  Falafel & Alfalfa have actually been a part of our family since September, but of course since I'm a master procrastinator, it's taken me until now to actually post about them.

Speaking of procrastinating though, now that it is the New Year and my sister always used to have to hear me go through my annual routine of coming up with resolutions that (let's be honest) rarely ever got seen through to the end (and yet I never seem to quite lose hope that they will work the next time around...), I figured it'd make sense for me to post at least one of my 2018 resolutions here in the spirit of accountability:

In 2018, I resolve to post (at least) twice a month on this blog!!
(I always knew that consistency would be a problem for me when starting this blog, but that doesn't mean this year can't be the year we turn it around....!!!)

Image result for pusheen cheer

So to all those who have stuck around and still have enough faith to check this blog, thank you and much kitty love to you...


Looking forward to posting a lot more in the year "20-(Active)-18"!!

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1 comment:

  1. Elaine - a very happy New Year to you, your family, and the two new furry additions to the family! There is nothing quite like the simple (and sometimes silly) joy of an animal to remind you how wonderful life can be. Know that many of us still faithfully follow and are sending lots of paw-sitive support your way :) Also, what perfect and complementary names she came up with, haha!
