Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year Cleaning & Goal-Setting

Possibly the earliest email I remember receiving from my sister was a one-liner which consisted of this link and something about "screen cleaning": Meet Pugsly

If my memory serves me correctly, I was a freshman in college and I was sitting at my desk - (I would hope doing homework) - when I opened Liliane's email. I remember cracking up upon seeing what it was and thinking something along the lines of "what a funny, sweet, odd little ducky my Meimei is." I believe I went on to share the link with a few of my friends, and now I would like to share it on this blog.


Now that your screens are a bit cleaner for the New Year, let me switch gears slightly and follow in the age-old tradition of setting some goals (otherwise known as resolutions) for the new year; specifically one pertaining to this blog...

Before getting into that, however, allow me to sidetrack again somewhat by saying that as I get older - and especially as I've become increasingly involved with trying to teach others - I've come to realize the necessity of setting goals that are reasonable and manageable. Sure, I can "set a goal" of trying to eat 10000 pancakes a day, but that's not very reasonable, manageable, or healthy for that matter. Therefore, that is what one would call "not a very good goal."

So keeping in mind that I should try and set good goals that are reasonable and manageable for myself, here is what I propose: My goal will be to try to post at least 3 of the following 7 things on this blog every week - a picture, a memory, something Liliane really likes, something music-related, some sort of home-video footage, something cute and/or funny, or something inspirational and/or thought-provoking. Knowing myself, I unfortunately can't commit to a particularly set schedule for when this will happen every week, but I will try my very best to have something new to take a look at by Sunday of each week.

I already know 2015 is going to be the hardest year I've ever had live through, so knowing that there are people out there taking the time to read this blog and remember my sister means more than I can say. So thank you for your time and your memories.

1 comment:

  1. Such a meaningful resolution. I can't wait to read everything you have to share about Liliane. I'll be back here frequently =)
